Doctors appointments are not to fun when it is taking Mckenly and Jasen to the Dentist for the first time. Wish I would have taken Mckenly when she was younger, so she could get familiar with it. But instead little miss stage fright. She screamed the whole time the Doc looked in her mouth. That was fun and to find out she had five cavities and the only way to fill them was to put her under. That was sad for me, my princess in pain. I don't like that. But she did very well that day and filled them and cleaned them. So hope for next appointment won't be as bad. lol Hope. Jason's teeth were great. He cried a little but was good afterwards.
For Jasen's Speech Therapy, his Doctor thought it would be a good idea to have him tested to where he stood on learning our language. It was a good thing we did. He need some help. He is having a hard time in his expressing vocabulary. He doesn't talk and express his thoughts, feelings, and wants. He had about 11 words he would use. Our next step in helping our little man was over the next six months was to teach him new words, imitate and produce two word phrases. Also use the appropriate sounds in all word positions. We are working with Kids on the Move and they are wonderful. I know this will improve his talking. I am so grateful for this program. I will post updates. :)
Calvin is a little piggy, always eating and sleeping and also crying. I am hoping that one day the crying will be over. One day.
He was not a big fan of tummy time. But it is very important. So we did it often. And when he was about 5 weeks he was lifting his head. So cute!
Days later Gregory Blessed Calvin. It was a great event I am so grateful for all the family support we have. It was a great day. Calvin cried a little but I don't mind well worth it. And Greg did a great job.
So I thought this would be fun, I want to compare the kids in their special moment. Here is Mckenly Jo and here shoes
Jasen Gregory
And last Calvin James
They are such cuties, and most definitively siblings.
The kids were excited, Amber (sis in-law) had invited us to go to the Petting Farm at Thanksgiving Point. They got to see the animails, play with fam stuff, go on a hay ride, and ride the horses.

On August 23rd Mckenly started Preschool. She and also Mommy was thrilled. She looked so cute!
My birthday was great, (I don't remember what we did. Sorry) But it was exciting to go to Stake Conference with my parents to hear my mom called into her new calling as, Orem Park Stake Young Womens Leader. I was so excited. Overwhelmed with feelings of joy. I love you Mom!!
Wow what a month.